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Eve Ablott | a Little Hype!


The Luton Hoo Mansion House, Nr Harpenden, Hertfordshire! Eve Ablott says: Wow! What an experience to be selected pianist and live musician to the Luton Hoo Mansion House, Nr Harpenden, Hertfordshire. The event: a Chairman's 80th family birthday! Look-out for video footage from the event to follow at my website, soonest. Thank you, Luton Hoo, for the opportunity! Contact: Eve Ablott Piano Teacher Hampshire ________________ 

Some Fantastic News!

Hello, Hi, Everyone! How lovely to be back with you All and with ... Some fantastic news I'd love to share with each of you: Kiran sat her first practical graded ABRSM Piano Exam in June this year!

Kiran is one of my particularly talented and mature piano students who has been studying for her University College London Degree in Business at the same time as her music tuition with me. This did not deter her - and, I am pleased to announce that Kiran passed her ABRSM piano exam with 'merit'! ________________ 

Eve Ablott is proud to announce!

Hello and hi - trust all's well. Am very pleased to let you know my music students - namely: Wynovee Gamueda - aged under 11 Michelle Lin - aged under 8 Darren Hynes - store manager and part-time drama student | aged a little over 20, each took their Graded ABRSM examinations this summer.  Many congratulations are in order as:  Darren passed his Music Theory with a Distinction! ________________


Eve Ablott here: Hello Hi, tutor, Eve Ablott, here once more! How are things? Trust all's well. Good to be in touch with you again! A warm welcome to 3 new students: Robert, Paige and Vikki! Paige and Robert are brand new starters and Vikki embarking on a refresher, pursuing the wonderful world of music once more! Shan't disappoint and more than happy to teach and take her forwards 

Novee has been a younger student of mine for a mere 6 months and yet last weekend she performed her 3 exam pieces beautifully to our new starters and family, perfectly and with confidence, too! _________________

My Life!

Hello, Hi, Eve Ablott here: Teaching piano, I find, is truly the most rewarding and treasured part of my life just now! Running around being a Mum to three, caring for our 'special-needs daughter, Helen - working as a Personal Assistant to Vice President and part-time practical and theory music tutor to an ever increasing number of students – I can safely say: ”keeps the wolf at bay”. And we all know what they say – “if you want something done, ask a busy person”. For, of course, a busy person will get things done! _________________

A Humbling Experience!

The Luton Hoo Mansion House, Nr Harpenden, Hertfordshire! Eve Ablott says: Wow! What an experience to be selected pianist and live musician to the Luton Hoo Mansion House, Nr Harpenden, Hertfordshire. A splendid venue in the most awesome of grounds!  The event: a Chairman's family 80th birthday! Look-out for live video footage from the event to be made available at my website, soonest. Hospitality top class and to be a part of all of this - a humble pleasure! Thankyou, Luton Hoo, for the opportunity! Eve Ablott, Piano Tutor |



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